Give A Dog A Bean is Transformational for Maya!

"This new canned food has been nothing short of transformational for Maya. She has not had one gastro/colitis issue since she started and it is such a relief to see...

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Give A Dog A Bean is Transformational for Maya!

💚 Maya is a rescue Chihuahua who lives with a doting Dad and her ‘pack’ of other rescue dogs in London. He used to diligently homecook fresh plant-based dog food for all his dogs using Just be Kind Supplement and Omega 3 Algae oil and the freshest of plant-based ingredients.

💚 He recently sent me an email as he was very concerned about Maya who at the good age of 15 had developed serious straining and colitis. He tried everything – even resorting to chicken and rice (which he was SO reluctant to have to use).

💚 He bought some Give A Dog A Bean to try, and what a positive and satisfying result –

 “This new canned food has been nothing short of transformational for Maya. She has not had one gastro/colitis issue since she started and it is such a relief to see her eating, enjoying it, and back to her normal self!

I am going to switch my entire brood of 11 over to this new food, with the addition of their Greta and Solo kibbles too. Aside from anything it would save me a lot of time with homecooking as it looks like the real thing!”

– Nigel London

Further catch up from Nigel - "I read that report a few weeks ago that shows the median life expectancy for dogs is just over 12 years across all breeds, so given I have 2 who are 15 and then 3 who are 14, with some of the others catching up, I do give thanks everyday! 

Thanks to a solid plant based diet, they are simply not prone to all the negative issues with meat diets, and they are active, happy, and behaving like those fit youthful geriatric humans!

Even my Thai rescue Sukie who has zero teeth, is going strong - and of course with her especially, I am so eternally grateful she found me when she did, because for sure by now her life would have long finished as she herself was rescued from the meat-trade.

To plants and beans and dogs of course!"

Warmest, Nigel 

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