About Us

โI believe in a kinder, healthier way to feed our dogs that does no damage to our environment, harms no animals and uses fresh, healthy plant-based ingredients for a balanced, wholesome and delicious dietโ - Dr Arielle Griffiths Plant Powered Vet and Ruff Plant Powered family dogย
About Dr Arielle
It was while working as a GP vet where I had one particularly gruelling day with 4 animals to put to sleep for obesity related reasons, that I realised the need to investigate where we were going wrong with how we fed our dogs and cats in the UK.
I threw myself into nutrition with a passion and desire to run pet slimming classes. These were a complete failure as no one wants to be told that their dog is obese and they need help, but what I learnt doing nutrition course after nutrition course, was that the more plants that are added to a dog's diet; the healthier they will be. Inspired by my vegan son, I turned myself onto a vegan diet overnight, and our little Ruff too to find the best food for him. We all just adore him as family of animal lovers so I couldn't get this wrong!
I found him the best food at the time and imported it from VegDog in Germany, and I also began home cooking for him. Once I knew that I had it just right for him and that he was thriving (and he loved his food), I began to help others and I set up the Just Be Kind website.
I now work closely with Prof Andrew Knight who has produced some amazing recent studies about the health benefits of plants in our dog's diet. I also work closely with a number of top nutritionists in their field. Every time I get a new person to help, I am just blown away with how it impacts on both the life of the dog and the entire family.
Plant-based diets are the least inflammatory of all the diets out there and offer the perfect solution for dogs with
*Itchy skin concerns and intolerances
*Digestive issues such as IBS and colitis
*Dogs needing to lose weight and regain their energy with joint pain
*Longevity and keeping your dog bonded to you for longer
I am passionate about helping you with your dog and plant-based nutrition offers the very best solution to most conditions. I firmly believe too that our little Ruff who had been a meat-based dog for 5 years of his life and has now been a plant-based dog for 5 years; has saved more animals in those 5 years than I have saved in my entire 30+ years being vet!
There is just SO much good in feeding your dog a diet rich in pure nutrients where no other animal has to die or suffer to feed your dog, and it is the best diet for our planet's future which offers us all so much hope!
Meet our Just Be Kind family
๐Mum and Dad are vets and all 4 of our 'children' work for the NHS. We are all highly sensitive and mainly introvert individuals who care deeply about each other as a family and nature.
๐We all absolutely love camping, except Ruff who found Vegan Campout this year just too much with his sensitivities as he gets older.
๐One of us works as a paramedic student and yet she is terrified of spiders, and one of us was the only vegan medical graduate in her year of 250 students.
๐2 of us suffer from IBS and have chosen to rather work from home or return to university instead of deal with the public one to one as we have just too much empathy and it overwhelms us!
๐80% of us are vegan, but we respect, support, and inspire each other fully with all our decisions.
๐2 of us have had DNA tests done to see where we come from. The tests show that one of us is 50% Cyprus Poodle, 35% Husky and 15% Collie....while the other DNA test shows that as a family our descendants are 34% Scottish, 31% from Northwest Europe, and 9% from Wales!
๐We absolutely LOVE our food (including Ruff who shares in almost all of our meals) and veganism inspires and enriches our everyday. ๐ ๐ฑ

Plant Powered Paws Podcast
Plant Powered Paws Podcast delivers a wide range of invaluable information and advice from Dr Arielle and other leading industry professionals about research into pet nutrition, pet feeding choices and speaking to leaders in their field in an accessible, friendly way.