Dr Arielle Griffiths Plant Powered Vet and Ruff Plant Powered Dog
“I believe in a kinder, healthier way to feed our dogs that does no damage to our environment, harms no animals and uses fresh, healthy plant-based ingredients for a balanced, wholesome and delicious diet” - Dr Arielle Griffiths Plant Powered Vet and Ruff Plant Powered family dog 
plant-based ~ healthiest ~
Lewis Hamilton Partners With Bramble

Roscoe fed fresh vegan dog food

What food do you choose to feed your dog when you can afford to feed him anything as you are a multi millionaire who has built your wealth from your own personal fitness achievements being plant-based yourself?! (and your dog means the world to you and stood on the winner's podium in Silverstone this year with you when you won the Grand Prix)?🙌

"When I switched Roscoe to a plant-based diet, he was back to being himself. He had so much energy, his coat was shinier, his skin healthier – it was amazing."

- Lewis Hamilton

You too can have a dog with no skin issues (which Bulldogs normally suffer from terribly), more energy AND they love their food just like Roscoe!

Read more about itchy skin and fresh plant-based dog food diets here. Read more about the partnership of Lewis Hamilton who lives in the US with fresh food company Bramble here.

Who are Bramble Fresh Foods?

Bramble was started by the very inspiring Amanda in the US who wanted to feed her own dogs a fresh wholefood plant-based diet with no animal proteins at all.

💚 The name for the brand came from the UK's own famous rescue Collie Bramble who lived in the 70's and 80's in rural Somerset. She was fed on a diet of homemade wholefoods. Bramble lived until the age of 25 (!) and even had a mention in the Guinness World Book of Records in 2002 as shown here.

💚 American fresh-food company Bramble has the foods formulated by veterinary nutritionists to ensure that no nutritional elements are missing in their recipes. They were able to be involved in a study by academics from the University of Illinois for accuracy.

The study published in the Journal of Animal Science, found the fresh plant-based diets were “highly palatable, highly digestible, and maintained adequate stool quality, blood parameters within reference ranges, and other measures of health.”

Co-author Dr Kelly Swanson added: “This study shows that as long as scientific knowledge about nutrient content of ingredients and nutrient needs of the animal is used for diet formulation and high-quality ingredients are used, a wide variety of diets can be fed to healthy adult dogs.”

💚 This is why Lewis Hamilton has chosen fresh wholefood plant-based company Bramble to feed his adored Roscoe who has his own Instagram account with over a million followers! @roscoelovescoco

💚 It is certainly possible to also feed your dog a wholefood plant-based diet in the UK by following our recipes that we offer here. The closest UK based fresh plant-based packaged food we had was Butternut Box Plant-Based, which is now no longer available.....but read all about how palatable/unpalatable (!) it was in this Blog post

Why Choose Plant-Based For Your Dog?

A plant-based diet offers your dog not only THE BEST QUALITY OF LIFE, but also ensures a LONGER LIFE for these 5 reasons:

💚 1. Just follow the science as we now have 11 published papers that prove through studies of over 2500 dogs, that those dogs fed a nutritionally sound plant-based diet can live on average 18 months longer - astounding statistics and you cannot argue with science! We ALL want our dogs to live longer and share in as many happy summers with us as they can.

💚 2. Your dog fed only clean plant-based proteins has a reduced risk of suffering from life-threatening kidney disease and very painful pancreatitis caused by diets that are too high in animal-based proteins and saturated fats. If your dog carries extra weight, you will quite literally see it drop off with the extra fibre and nutrients in plants, and their playful puppy energy return very quickly! This means longer walks which dogs need for their joints and mental wellbeing (all those sniffs are SO important), as this delays doggy dementia and keeps them bonded to you for longer.

💚 3. By eliminating all possible allergens that result in inflammation in both the skin and digestive tract, you immediately offer your dog a life free from itching, pain and discomfort. Plant proteins and fats are the least inflammatory of all the proteins as they contain no antibiotics, bioaccumulated toxins (as explained here where we expose Hills, Royal Canin and Purina) or genetically modified ingredients. We ensure that we only stock foods FREE from genetically modifed (GMO) soya and corn to also eliminate the risk of pesticides in the food that can be harmful and could increase the risk of cancer in your dog.

💚 4. Feeding your dog added wholefoods that you eat along with their grain free and anti-oxidant rich foods that we stock, will nourish their good gut bacteria perfectly. A healthy gut is the secret to a healthy immune system, skin, heart and brain health! If wanting to home cook fully, we offer 4 recipes with 30 different vibrant plant proteins to quite literally 'feed the rainbow'. Read the science here showing how a healthy gut microbiome from fresh plant-based sources feeds a healthy protective skin in your dog.

💚 5. Plant proteins offer the cleanest, kindest way to feed your dog. We have stories sent in by you that tell us how you quite literally cry as ethical animal lovers when feeding raw meats to your dog. This is quite understandable as the marketing power of raw meat companies is so enormous that you are made to believe that it is best for your dogs. Just know that the bacteria on these raw animal bodyparts are extremely harmful to not only your dog's health, but also your health and our planet's future health! Plant proteins eliminate ALL of this risk to ensure that your dog lives longer....and you can quite happily share your food with your dog - there is nothing better than having them love the same food as you. It is the one food that really offers us and our dogs so much hope!

Visit our Just be Kind Shop
plant-based ~ happy dogs ~
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