My Best Friend Harvey Has Passed

"In truth I don't think I can really put into words how much my mate Harvey meant to me"

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Vegan Beagle Harvey ate Solo Vegetal and passed away peacefully after a healthy life being plant-based

We get so many of you who share details of the passing of your dog with us and for that we are so grateful, as it gives everything that we do such meaning.

When Harvey's Dad sent us news last week of the passing of 'his best mate', we were so in awe of his words that he has allowed us to share in them with you. How Harvey went is exactly the way we want all of our dogs to go - peacefully, at home, on his favourite bed and with all of the people he loved the most in the world around him 💚

Here in his own words, is Andrew story about his best friend Harvey  - 

"In truth I don't think I can really put into words how much my mate Harvey meant to me.

Let's just say he was a gift purchased for my wife and I by our kids while we were away.

First time seeing him as a puppy via the video chat I thought wow he is a small chap, ears dragging on the ground with him tripping over his ears. 

2 days later a message received to say Harvey is not well and now at the vets, appears that he picked up a gastrointestinal virus.

By the time we returned home from the holiday we was into a couple of £k, but that first meeting with Harvey after our flight home sealed our bond for each other I am a big old lump of a carpenter & Joiner this puppy fitted in my hand, we was asked by the vet do we continue or do we stop now, my wife and I just looked at each other and I said do all you can as he is now part of our family.

That was the start of Harvey Upton's story with us.

Turns out my kids had been turned over and Harvey was supplied via a puppy farm in Kent 

All Kennel Club paperwork was fake, I was advised by the vet to not get involved with the seller and leave this to the authorities.

It even transpired that the sellers address was fake, a rented house rented as a shop front to enable puppy's to be seen and sold ASAP.

That is where Harvey's time with us began and ultimately an uninsurable dog absolute diamond of a dog, soft as butter with the children, ultra protective of the family at night, always sleeping either at the top of the stairs looking down or in our bedroom but always facing the door. 

I could share so much more about Harvey Upton but right now it is just too hard to do.

In his life, he suffered from the  usual old age ailments for a 14 year old dog but also other joint issues that we had been warned of over 10 years ago when metal had to be added into certain joints if he was to live on, he got over those surgeries and enjoyed a full and active life with our family but more recently went into a rapid decline and a decision had to be made on the advice of his vet.

He spent the  weekend away with us and the  family being thoroughly pampered and this morning he was put to sleep at home in our house on his bed on the  sofa with us while snoozing.

Thank you for your service over the years and considering there was a point around 8 years ago where Harvey's allergies were so extreme that he was seen by a vet at Dick White Referrals in Newmarket with me thinking this is it his time is up, but the result was a vet who disregarded the  past treatments and instructions given to us and simply more baths unless he stinks.........and among some other changes he said his diet is now to be Vegatal Dry dog food and bring him back in 2 months.

Well what a transformation.........coat regrowth.........a glossy smell and a happy dog, we later added Vegetal Wet dog food to his diet and he loved it.

Apologies for my ramblings but I am sure you will understand that today is an emotional day for us bit most importantly Harvey is at peace." 💚 - Andrew in Bedfordshire 

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