How fortunate I am to have ‘met’ Lottie while speaking to her Mum Jo during a video teleconsult. Lottie’s adoration for Jo was so evident as she covered her in bristly kisses while we spoke – I loved both of them straight away.
Jo’s own Mum had brought up Lottie as best she could, and she had passed just 8 months earlier, leaving Jo to look after Lottie and take on all the responsibility of her various conditions.
Read in Jo’s own words how she went from spending a fortune at the vets and buying various foods that never helped Lottie and her painful itchy ears at all to
“We have not been back to the vets for her itchy ears for 4 weeks and counting! Which is incredible with what we’ve been through!”
(and she really has been through a lot as explained below!)
"Shortly after our video consultation, I was transitioning Lottie over to Solo Vegetal.....from Purina HA pale pebbles which she had been eating for about 4 weeks with very little enthusiasm - in fact spitting them out because she knew before I did that they were very questionable as dog food!
Anyway, I had a follow up appointment booked with our vet for her ears, because she was weaning off steroids. I cancelled this appointment, sought a consultation with a skin dermatologist regarding Lottie's ear infections. They recommended various hypoallergenic diets, royal canin anallergic (excuse my spelling ), the Purina pale pebbles (that Lottie was already on) ....but thanks to our video call, and your website, I asked whether a vegan diet would be considered ....
They replied with a leaflet about Solo .....whoop!
We are now armed with lotions/potions and proper ear cleanser via the skin vet, but the diet has been the game changer...and we have not been back to the vets for 4 weeks and counting! (which is incredible as I was going to take out a loyalty card).
I'm just so grateful for all the information on your website.
I'm not really interested in reintroducing meat proteins after the 2 month elimination period to see which brings back the ear infections and intermittent vomiting issues.
We want to stay clear of these for life and we are absolutely converted to vegan dog food!
PS: It is sad for me that I can't share this with my Mum, but she would have been very open to the idea of Lottie following a vegan diet, and agree that it makes a lot of sense. She too had so many vet visits about Lottie's ears! We would have laughed at the number of times I have been though🙄🥴
It is very important for me to look after Lottie xx"