Rodney the Cockapoo’s tear stains disappeared on a vegan diet

"Vegan food completely got rid of Rodney’s dark red stains around his mouth. I don’t know what causes it but he looks so much healthier and better now with such...

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Rodney the Cockapoo’s tear stains disappeared on a vegan diet

Sweet boy Rodney the Cockapoo from idyllic Abergavenny has only one front leg.

His Mum is so aware that he needs to stay slim and healthy and how we admire that he has been on a vegan diet for over 4 years.

Here are her words: “Rodney has Solo Vegetal as his main food then he had lots of bits of veg as treats.

His favourite is the cauliflower stem and celery sticks. He has been known to raid our vegetable patch! He has had vegan food only for 4 years now and counting, and his coat has never been better.

It has also helped in calming his allergies – we are still not 100% sure what these are caused by. As he is getting older (10 this year) he has not developed any long term health conditions. He is a tripod so it’s important for him to stay slim. I think his muscle tone is very good and he remains a good weight.

He still enjoys climbing mountains and being active.  Vegan food completely got rid of Rodney’s dark red stains around his mouth. I don’t know what causes it but he looks so much healthier and better now with such a soft coat.”

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