Vegan Salmon Oil For Dogs!?

We launch the UK's very first Omega 3 rich Algae oil for dogs....and it tastes absolutely delicious!!

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Vegan salmon oil showing a salmon and solo vegetal dog food in a bowl

💚 We are beyond excited to be the only company in the UK (actually in the world!) to sell carefully formulated Omega 3 Algae Oil for your dogs! Just as we've shown with all the high quality plant-based dog foods that we stock; almost every nutrient that comes from an animal product can be substituted with its pure toxin-free plant-based version, and when it comes to making Omega 3 Daily, we have made sure that it is THE VERY BEST THAT IT CAN BE!

Omega 3 Daily has all the goodness of salmon oil without the actual fish!! Fish eat krill and krill eat algae rich in Omega 3 and antioxidants that make the krill pink and the salmon meat pink......but why kill the krill and farm salmon when the nutrients can be found in its pure source as microalgae grown and harvested sustainably on land?!
Omega 3 algae oil for dogs that is vegan salmon oil
We have been able to find the perfect company in Holland to make this bright pink rich Omega 3 Daily oil for your dogs, and although this company has only ever made human supplements, they tried to sell this in the human space, but it tastes too 'fishy' for people to take as an Omega supplement! Ideal however for our dogs as you will see below 🙌


10 Top Reasons To Give Your Dog Omega 3 Daily

We could think of a hundred reasons to give your dog our pure Omega 3 and antioxidant rich microalgae oil supplement, but we've shortened it to these 10 top reasons:

Vizsla smelling Omega 3 Algae oil on table and dog wagging tail
 💚 What a huge bonus for our dogs, as they are getting a human grade supplement that they find absolutely delicious. 🙌
We labelled our first image above 'feeding frenzy' as that is exactly what happened when the bottle that arrived this week was opened and poured onto the Solo Vegetal biscuits for our dog Ruff and his visiting Vizsla friend Billy - they both went mad - licking the bowl over and over again once it was finished, they licked each other's bowls and then even licked each others faces!!
The video we took is chaotic, but shows just how tasty this is to dogs and is IDEAL for all your fussy dogs out there who are not so sure about transitioning to plant-based food as they miss the strong 'meaty and fishy' flavours they have been used to!
(If you want to take our Omega 3 Daily yourself with the added antioxidants that make it bright pink, there is only one company selling it called Bare Biology. It carries quite an expensive price compared to what we can sell it at for your dog so it is quite safe to take Omega 3 Daily if wanting it for your health too!)
German Shepherd George sniffing bottles of Omega 3 Daily to treat her arthritis
💚 The biggest regret that I have as a vegan vet, is not having known all that I now know (in the last 5 years), for the first 25 years of my veterinary career. Our previous Labrador Slick had to be put to sleep at the age of 13 over 5 years ago as she was so riddled with such painful arthritis in all 4 legs. How I wish that I could turn back the clock for her and give her this Omega 3 Daily, as it has been formulated to be IDEAL for all dogs with sore swollen and painful joints and osteoarthritis.
There are 2 different types of Omega 3s called EPA and DHA, and normally most Omega 3 oils (fish based or algae based or green mussel based) will contain higher levels of DHA than EPA.....but that's not what we want to support joints.
EPA (or its long sciency name Eicosapentaenoic acid), is the important one for joint pain and inflammation as it is the 'cushion' to soothe those pains rather than DHA which benefits the nerves more. We have a whopping 533mg EPA in 1 tsp!
We have made sure to add in double the amount of the good fatty acid EPA compared to DHA for this very reason to really support your dogs and their painful joints!!
No other brand of Omega 3 supplement in dogs has this benefit.
(YuMove using green mussel Omegas shows no transparency and does not even declare the amounts of DHA and EPA at all!!)
Itchy scratching terrier on grass
💚 If you have an itchy sensitive dog that is constantly scratching or licking at their paws (atopy) where they react to so many triggers such as grass, dust mites, tree pollen, food intolerances etc, then you definitely need to give them Omega 3 Daily.
Our Omega 3 Daily is just perfect to be given regularly in their diet, even if they have food intolerances to fish proteins, as it is animal protein free and full of the good Omegas to support their skin barrier. It also contains Vit D3 from lichen (where reindeer get their Vit D3 from in the harsh arctic climate) and this pure Vit D3 (rather than coming from sheep's wool); enhances their immunity and prevents regular skin infections.
It means that you save a fortune on veterinary bills as no more Apoquel or cortisone courses - hoorah as read about the dangers of giving long term Apoquel here.
💚 I still feel embarrassed now thinking how throughout my vet career (when I knew nothing about dog nutrition until I turned myself vegan); I used to recommend that owners of dogs with colitis and IBD feed them Chappie. Chappie is made primarily from chicken and fish byproducts and is suited to dogs with intolerances to meat proteins (or so I thought until I learnt all about plant-based dog food!).
Fish however undergoes bacterial putrefaction as soon as it is out of the water and in the oxygen, so this causes the pungent smell that dogs respond to so well and eat quite happily.
I will never forget an owner telling me how much she hated even opening the can of Chappie as it smelt so bad and gave her dogs the stinkiest breath! This happens too when they take high levels of salmon oil in their diet - they breath their very unpleasant fishy breath in your face!!
Omega 3 Daily has a natural umami ocean flavour, with none of the toxins and bacteria found in fish proteins and fish oils....and dogs love it just as much and no fishy breath!
Vet in consulting room with beagle talking about heart health
💚 If your dog suffers from any form of heart condition such as mitral valve disease that is so common in small breeds over the age of 8 years (our own little Ruff was diagnosed with it when he turned 8!)....then you absolutely want to give them Omega 3 Daily for their heart health.
These naturally anti-inflammatory Omega 3s EPA and DHA support and lengthen the lifespan of your dog with a heart condition. If you have a breed that is genetically prone to heart disease such as the giant breeds and breeds such as Cavalier King Charles Spaniels or Cavapoos, then they would definitely benefit from Omega 3 Daily even before anything is diagnosed.
Very thin Weimaraner that has IBD and eats a vegan diet
💚 Gorgeous boy Duke the Weimaraner shown in the image above suffers from the debilitating condition IBD or inflammatory bowel disease. If it wasn't for vegan dog food (and the grain-free and soya-free foods that we stock), he wouldn't be with us today. He is proof that we can get all of our nutrients from plants to allow us to thrive and live a healthy and happy life, and our Omega 3 Daily continues to prove this too that we do not need to harm any animal or even crustacean to get everything that our dogs need in their diet.
ANY inflammatory condition that your dog may suffer from such as colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis, obesity, diabetes, kidney disease and cystitis will ALL respond so well to having pure natural Omega 3 Daily!
It isn't just the pure and high levels of Omega 3 DHA and EPA that support and soothe all these conditions, but we've gone even one step further with the important addition of the antioxidant Astaxanthin that is sourced from a bright pink microalgae.
Astaxanthin is a powerhouse in that it is 150 times stronger as an antioxidant (a substance that fights damaged cells) than the beta carotene in carrots!!! No wonder it is so beneficial to dogs with any form of inflammation!
Dog eating homemade plant-based food using Just Be Kind Supplement and Omega 3 daily
💚 Lucy in the photo is one of so many really lucky dogs to have her Dad cook for her. Once a week, he makes up a batch of food for her and she eats only a wholefood homemade plant-based diet. He diligently follows our carefully formulated recipes that we supply and uses the Just Be Kind Supplement to ensure that nothing is lacking in her homemade diet (and she just loves her food and is thriving).
It is SO important when homecooking to now include our Omega 3 Daily in all the recipes to supply the valuable Omega 3s needed as well as Vit D3 sourced from lichen. It is available in just the right levels to add to the home cooked recipes, and will make all of the recipes that you are making taste EVEN MORE DELICIOUS to your dog with the added richness of the bright pink microalgae Astaxanthin!
💚 We keep speaking about this powerhouse that is Astaxanthin antioxidant from the bright pink microalgae called Haematococcus Pluviali, but it truly is a 'magic addition' to our 'magic potion'!
It is the reason why krill are pink and flamingoes and salmon eat it and it makes them go pink, so no do not expect your white Bichon to turn pink (!), but we all know the benefits of eating red cabbage above white cabbage and bright orange sweet potato above white potato as it has so much more to offer....well so too does the bright pink microalgae!
An antioxidant means that it fights dying or dead cells or damaged cells in the body that have been 'oxidised'. This means that its effect is fantastic in our elderly dogs in that it will slow down the greying of their muzzles and the cataracts in their eyes that develop as they age.
The science has shown that our dogs will live longer being plant-based and this wonderful Omega 3 Daily will ensure that they have that better quality of life too (and yes, I do want to take it myself for my wrinkles!!!)
2 vegan spaniels sitting on the grass
💚 We have mentioned how important the Omega 3 fatty acid EPA is for joint health, but the other Omega 3 present is DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid), and 1 tsp of our Omega 3 Daily provides your dog with 266mg of pure DHA. It is so important for brain health in both young dogs with developing nerve pathways as their brains grow, but equally as important in brain health in our golden oldies.
By supporting their nerve pathways naturally, you delay the onset of deafness, doggy dementia, cataracts (as mentioned before) and all of this allows your dog to stay bonded with you for longer as they continue to recognise you for longer. Definitely something I want for Ruff as he turned 11 on World Vegan Day - the 1st of November 2024!
Fish in ocean protected by the use of Omega 3 Daily
💚 We haven't even begun to mention how amazing it is to give your dog a product that is actually protecting our valuable sealife, oceans and wider planetary health!!
Do you know that for every 150ml bottle of Omega 3 Daily that is used, the lives of 50 fish are spared? Wow that’s a fantastic statistic that you can be SO proud of! The fish and krill are left there to feed our oceans and keep our valuable planetary ecosystem going.
Our dogs and cats should never have the addition of any fish products at all in their foods as they are land mammals and studies have shown that pet foods containing high levels of fish products, can be harmful with the levels of the heavy metals such as Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury and Lead found in their fur!!
The use of salmon oil in our dogs and cats should also be controlled and it isn't! Fish farms both in Scotland and Norway and further abroad are highly concentrated (severe welfare issues too!!) of fish kept in 'nets' that float near seabeds. As they are so highly stressed as salmon would normally swim for miles (upstream), and here they are kept in cages by their thousands, bacteria, parasites and fungi are frequent so they are fed so much antibiotic, antifungal, growth hormone promoters, antiparasitics and fake astaxanthin to make that pink (yes you read that right - made in a laboratory to give them pink flesh) as astaxanthin from krill is too expensive.
All of these 'toxins' end up in the salmon's fat and liver and is used in the salmon oil industry for our pets - FULL of toxins we absolutely do not want to feed our dogs!
Omega 3 algae oil for dogs that is vegan salmon oil
JBK heart
Most fish oils for dogs (and other animals) are sold in large containers with plungers to dispense the oil. Everytime that the plunger is pressed, oxygen enters the container which damages (or oxidises) the valuable oil and allows it to either go rancid quickly, or lose its efficacy very quickly.
Our Omega 3 Daily comes in a brown bottle that is not glass but recyclable plastic (we were concerned about glass breaking when you place orders of the heavy tins and bags of dog food AND include a bottle of Omega 3 Daily in the order) and these bottles have an easy pour spout as you get with olive oil bottles. No more greasy stains on your kitchen worktop surface from using this oil daily!!
We feel SO fortunate to be launching this amazing oil that we absolutely want for our dogs and we know you want too for your dogs:)
Dr Arielle and Ruff
“I believe in a kinder, healthier way to feed our dogs that does no damage to our environment, harms no animals and uses fresh, healthy plant-based ingredients for a balanced, wholesome and delicious diet”
- Dr Arielle with Ruff Plant Powered family dog
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