Prof Andrew Knight has done it again!

You have to have done something extra special to have your photo taken outside 10 Downing Street - not anybody is allowed to stand there unless they have completed something very important, and Prof Knight has done just that!
In October 2023, he published a pet industry disrupting paper that showed that if all the world's dogs went vegan, it could quite literally save our planet due to the environmental impact that it would have.
In September 2024, he published his latest study that shows how a vegan diet fed to dogs over a year had significant health benefits compared to dogs fed a raw or a meat-based 'conventional' dog food diet. He is showing the publication of his latest book in the photo from 2024 entitled The Environmental Benefits Of Vegan Pet Food.
Prof Knight took his original study from 2022 and he enrolled the help of a top german statistician to really show the true results of his vast original study. The results are astounding.....
His study showed that dogs on a vegan diet had less vet visits, suffered from less illnesses and therefore had a superior quality of live which meant they lead longer and happier lives - hurrah!!!

Highlights from Prof Knight's latest groundbreaking published study
• Dogs fed vegan diets had the best health outcomes. This trend was clear and consistent.
• Health disorder rates: conventional meat – 49 %, raw meat – 43 %, vegan – 36 %.
• Illness indicators were 14.4 %–51.3 % less common among vegans vs conventional meat.
• Six specific disorders had 50 %–61 % lower odds among vegans vs conventional meat.
• Vegan dog food is consistently associated with lowered risks of certain health disorders.
Listen to Prof Knight being interviewed by Dr Arielle
It doesn't stop there! Did you know that other very important studies were done at the University of California by 2 vets called Dr Annika Linde and Dr Tona? Their studies were equally as confirming about the health aspects of a vegan diet on our dogs as explained in this interview with one of the vets Dr Tona (we love his monitor lizard background:)
Listen to the full interview with Drs Annika and Dr Tona on PLANT POWERED PAWS PODCAST here