It just makes so much sense for gorgeous girl Sukie who was rescued from the dog meat market to love her vegan food so much!!
Here is the remarkable story of her rescue as told by her devoted Dad…
“We first met her in a dog shelter in deepest north east Thailand, filled with over 600 former street dogs and those rescued from the dog meat trade. I like to think she found me as immediately formed such a bond with me, and I with her.
Thai people who met said she was a “very spiritual dog” and I cannot agree more – (see the photos below of when they first met)

While technically illegal now in Thailand, sadly what happens in the rural provinces is street dogs are rounded up by dog meat traders, and illicitly transported across the border to countries like Vietnam where dog meat restaurants thrive.
All of these free roaming dogs were at risk when the dog meat traders came to round dogs up. Indeed Sukie’s group were more at risk as they were out in the open and approachable rather than living in the bush/undergrowth with an instinct to shy away from humans, and evade capture.
Had she been transported to Vietnam she would be long ago murdered in the most brutal methods possible (they believe the more terrified a dog is - adrenaline pumping through their body - the more potent and sweet tasting the meat)!
We brought Sukie to Bangkok and began the process of getting blood tests and all the other approvals necessary to bring her to the UK. Then flew her to Paris (via Moscow), and she was brought to the UK by road.
I look at her every day and feel so thankful her karmic path was destined to meet me.

Sukie is not food driven at all (possible Saluki genes?) and she has gone days before without eating. We used to raw feed our dogs but….
Now we have transitioned to home-cooked plant based, the change is remarkable – she literally finishes everything and even licks her plate clean!”

This makes such perfect sense – why eat animals when you were destined to be slaughtered yourself!? She can now continue the wonderful bond she has with her remarkable Dad who rescued her by eating exactly as he eats – homemade wholefood plant-based lovingly prepared and full of nutrients and goodness.