š "Hi Arielle
Thank you so much for all your help with the teleconsult and so lovely to talk to you.
Well.... what an amazing two weeks it has been. On your advice, we changed from egg to tofu immediately whilst we waited for the green crunch to come which was amazingly quick, (thank you) and thought we would try both of our dogs on vegan diets.Ā The other is a Yorkie x Maltese 6 years old and quite fussy.Ā She didn't have or like egg, but they both absolutely hoovered the tofu and yeast flakes and we were so glad not to be buying eggs any longer.
We were sure that the dry food would prove more tricky, but we just cannot believe how much they both loved it straight away!Ā Winnie is so excited now by her food whereas before,Ā she would pick at it and drop it on the floor before going back to it and I think it was only because she feared Wren would eat it, that she would eventually finish it. We've tried her with so many different foods.Ā
Ā So.....since Wren came to live with us 6 years ago,Ā her eyes and lady bits get so caked/ crusty and have to be cleaned every other day. We are now cleaning every 5th day and nowhere near as bad. The main thing we've noticed is her urine used to smell dreadful and we used to have to scrub the concrete steps every few days as you could smell it through the conservatory in the house. This immediately stopped and now doesn't smell at all.Ā
No loose stools or wind from either and I think their coats are a little softer. How is this possible in such a short time?!
We've yet to try them with greens,Ā but intend to this week. Their breath is way better,Ā Wren's saliva is no longer sticky and her teeth are definitely improving slowly.Ā
The whole change has been extremely positive for very little effort on our part and just like when I became vegan after a lifetime of being vegetarian, I so wish we'd tried this before.Ā I really did think it was going to be difficult.Ā I'm ashamed of myself for not at least trying it before now.
We cannot thank you enough and are sure that if it's making so much difference visibly,Ā it must be doing her insides the world of good.
Our very best wishes and gratitude,Ā Leanne, Wren & Winnie" š

Dr Arielle Griffiths Vegan Vet (Book a teleconsult with Dr Arielle here)