💚 Trust that just as feeding a wholefood plant-based diet is known to be the healthiest for us, so too is a homecooked and balanced wholefood diet going to enhance your dog's overall health
💚 Top protein sources when homecooking for your dog includes tofu or tempeh, organic textured soya protein, quinoa, soaked and cooked lentils, beans and chickpeas
💚 Peas and beans contain oligosaccharides, which are metabolised into short-chain fatty acids in the intestines and can lead to diarrhoea and flatulence in large quantities. Simply try different varieties of proteins to avoid this
💚 Sprouting beans, alfalfa, broccoli seeds and green lentils offers the best way to reduce lectins and unlock the healthiest protein of these high nutrient plants
💚 Feed as much colour and diversity as possible to enhance your dog's good gut bacteria. Our 4 recipes we recommend you feed, offer 30 different plant proteins and colours if rotated and fed over a month to your dog!
💚 Any foods that you can eat raw, can be fed raw to your dog such as grated carrots, courgettes, cucumber and red peppers
💚 If dried lentils or beans are used, these must be soaked overnight, rinsed and then cooked well until very soft for maximum absorption. Keep the nutrient rich water that they are cooked in and freeze in ice trays with herbs to use later
💚 Ensure that once cooked, the food is well mashed or blended again for maximum absorption of nutrients as dogs do not tend to chew their food like us, but rather 'hoover' it down (especially delicious homemade food)
💚 Ensure that you wash all bought fruit and vegetables just as you would for yourself and rinse any sprouted seeds
💚 Only foods to avoid feeding are onions, spring onions, leeks, grapes, raisins, and macadamia nuts - the rest can be fed to your dog!
💚 ALWAYS use Just Be Kind Supplement and Omega 3 Algae Oil with added Vit D3 when home cooking as these contain valuable extra vitamins, minerals, amino acids and probiotics when home cooking
💚 The Just Be Kind Supplement must not be heated but can be formed into a paste with peanut butter, plant milk, tahini paste, or sesame/sunflower oil
💚 The cooked food can be baked pretopping with the supplement to offer a crunch for fussier dogs
💚 Choose organic or home grown ingredients where possible to avoid pesticide risk
💚 The most digestible source of Omega 6 for dogs comes from sunflower oil - choose organic where possible
💚 Seeds (hemp, pumpkin, sunflower, chia) and nuts (cashews, almonds, brazil, peanuts) are a great protein and fat source, but they must be soaked overnight and blended well for maximum absorption
💚 All fruit can be fed except for grapes and raisins and be aware of high calorie/sugar fruit such as ripe bananas and dried fruit for overweight dogs or those with dental issues. The skin of pears and apples can be fed
💚For particularly fussy dogs, you can add in a tsp of warmed Agar Agar to a kg of cooked food to give it a 'slimey consistency' that you have in tinned dog food that some dogs prefer
The best advice that I can give you when cooking a wholefood delicious recipe for your dog....just try it! Even if you are not an accomplished cook, your dog will love you for it and we know that they will love what you have prepared.