Buddy the Beagle is off all meds!

Buddy loves the food and the incredible news is - his weight is now up to 19.6 kilo's and he's well....

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Buddy the Beagle and owner on sofa

How we all need to be as open-minded as this wonderful charity helping people who cannot afford vet bills and using the power of plants and kindness to cure.

This is the email I received from the lead charity founder –

“Yesterday I had a very good conversation with the owner of a Beagle named Buddy. Reading from my notes: Buddy’s Mum first contacted me on 13th February 2024, as Buddy had had severe bloody, diarrhoea for some time and his stomach was painful.

She'd been to the Vet several times, but had reached the point where she had run out of money (which isn't difficult when you're dealing with one of the huge Corporate Vets) !

On 26th February 2024, the Charity paid the Vet £679 for blood tests and an ultrasound. Buddy didn't improve and continued to lose weight.

On 27th April, she contacted me in sheer desperation. My notes state her exact words

"There's blood and sick everywhere and I think he may need putting to sleep".

Buddy's weight had dropped to 13.3 kilos. The charity then ordered some Give A Dog A Bean for Buddy to try.

I understand Buddy’s Mum is now ordering from you direct as he loves the food and the incredible news is - his weight is now up to 19.6 kilo's and he's well….and amazingly he is off ALL meds too!”


Dr Arielle Griffiths vegan vet
“If nobody changes then nothing changes, but if somebody changes then everything changes”

Dr Arielle Griffiths Vegan Vet (Read more here)


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