Unexpected SURGE IN SALES of Premium Soya-Free Vegan Dog Food!

We have experienced an unprecedented demand for top quality and grain and soya-free vegan dog food

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Dr Arielle celebrating at Vegan Life Live

We have experienced an unexpected and sudden demand for top quality and grain and soya-free plant-based dog food. 

By highlighting the news in one exciting week in February that The Pack had launched a cultured meat dog treat and were to appear on BBC on the same night as Omni pet food brand appeared on Dragon's Den; we inadvertently received SO much added attention which is why without any form of publicity, our sales suddenly surged - hoorah!!!


What other reasons for this growing demand for premium plant-based dog and cat food?

Over 10 published studies highlighting the benefits of complete vegan diets in dogs and cats resulting in longevity and better health
Awareness of the need to reduce our meat consumption to protect our biodiversity and the best way to do this is to adopt a plant-based diet
Ethical concerns amongst animal lovers wanting to not support the meat and fishing industry in any way for themselves and their dogs and cats
Awareness amongst vets in the UK using these diets to manage dogs long term with IBD and atopic skin conditions
Rise in concern about raw meat-based diseases being transmitted to family members and the environment with devastating consequences, as well as cats dying from avian flu eating raw cat food
Growing knowledge about the many benefits of a natural plant-based diet on the gut microbiome and digestive health of both humans and their dogs and a need to move from highly processed meat-based foods

JBK heart

More and more dogs rely on these high quality soya-free foods, especially those many dogs and cats in the UK that suffer from an intolerance to meat or fish proteins, as well as digestive issues with soya and grain rich diets. (Read success stories here)

We are here to ensure that your dogs and cats receive the very best just as we want for our own family dog Ruff, so we have sourced the very best for you!

Thank you for doing the very kindest thing for your pet and the environment and we will continue to support you as best we can!

(I always say as a vet of 31 years, that our little family dog Ruff who has eaten a vegan diet that he loves for the last 5 1/5 years of his life has saved more animals than I have saved in my entire career of 31 years as a vet!!)

Arielle Griffiths vegan vet being interviewed by BBC Radio 4radio

“I believe in a kinder, healthier way to feed our dogs that does no damage to our environment, harms no animals and uses fresh, healthy plant-based ingredients for a balanced, wholesome and delicious diet”
- Dr Arielle Griffiths Plant Powered Vet and Ruff Plant Powered family dog 

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