Celebrating Healthy Plant-Based Cats!

We know our cats are obligate carnivores but evidence suggests that they can thrive on a vegan diet. Interested to learn more?!

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Celebrating Healthy Plant-Based Cats!

“When words are both true and kind, they can change the world”- Gautam Buddha

Dr Arielle brought a very honest account about cat nutrition with information that no other vet has ever mentioned in a Webinar on the 8th January! The webinar is available to watch at the bottom of this Blog page.

Cats are obligate carnivores - what does that mean?

Unlike the gentle cat asleep amongst the chickens in the photo above, our cats have lived with man for over 12000 years to guard grain stores initially, and they are voracious hunters that only ever hunt alone and will hunt anything small that moves! Very different to our dogs who will chase a squirrel until it runs off their property; a cat's intention is not to kill and eat it, but when it hunts, it is absolutely to kill and eat their prey.

Once caught however, they are incredibly selective in what they eat - never the feathers or head, and so many cats are known for leaving the spleen and gall bladder of a mouse on your doorstep or bedroom floor for you! 


What do we currently feed our cats?

It is easy for pet food companies to play on this term 'obligate carnivores' and market food to be high in meat or even raw, but our cats are not scavengers and they would NEVER choose to eat a mouse or bird that has been dead in the garden for a few days, but by raw feeding, or feeding high meat protein cat foods, this is what we are expecting them to do!

Have you heard that a number of cats have died of Avian Flu from eating raw chicken?!  Cats being fed raw meat IS our next pandemic as this keeps making headline news starting our year - very frightening and read more here

Cat dies from eating raw chicken infected with Avian Flu!

JBK heart


What about the cat that got the cream?

Cat lapping milk

The image appears quite normal to us as cats naturally love the taste of high fat milk and cream especially. Cats are highly sensitive to the casomorphin that is present in milk and cheese and is there to calm the young calf and bond it with its mother, but this casomorphin has some amazing effects in cats!

cat sniffing udder of a cow

The AI generated image of the cat sniffing a cow's udder does appear quite shocking as cats would NEVER choose to drink the milk meant for the young of another mammal as part of their natural behaviour!

But, we feed them milk and cream and add highly processed cheese to the UK's top selling cat treats 'Dreamies' made by Mars Petcare. Is it right to give our cats that are highly sensitive to casomorphin in the milk (it makes them mildly 'addicted' as well as causing them to overeat uncontrollably)?

Dreamies made by Mars Petcare

JBK heart


How safe are fish foods to our cats? 

Did you know that a leading cause of skin allergies and intolerances in cats are due to eating fish? Cats are HYDROPHOBIC as they have only ever lived as land mammals, so they would NEVER choose to jump into water to catch and eat fish......and yet almost every cat food brand available has the addition of highly non-sustainable fish protein added to their food. (There isn't enough fish left in the ocean for us, so there absolutely isn't enough to add to cat food)...and should they be having it anyway? 

Cat swimming and catching a goldfish

What is ethoxyquin?

Ethoxyquin is a preservative used in fish meal, particularly during transport and storage as fish will undergo bacterial putrefaction just as soon as they are taken out of the water. It has been banned in some countries for human consumption, and there is some evidence it is harmful to a cat's liver function.

Many fish-based pet foods contain ethoxyquin, and there is no regulation requiring it to be labelled on pet foods. It’s just another reason to choose vegan cat foods!

JBK heart


Cats are highly sensitive to the heavy metals in fish as well as the actual protein as shown in the graph below taken from a veterinary dermatology webinar with Nextmune. 

Main food allergens in dogs and cats by Nextmune showing how much cats are intolerant to fish proteins!


Heavy metal toxicities with Arsenic in particular resulting in kidney disease in cats are caused by cats eating foods rich in fish?!

Cats suffer kidney disease when fed foods high in fish and arsenic

JBK heart


We absolutely agree with you Dr Mike Davies that far more emphasis needs to be put on prevention of our cats developing kidney disease due to eating fish contaminated with high levels of Arsenic. Why not feed cats the Omega 3s that they get from fish as a highly palatable and pure oil made of microalgae instead where fish get the Omegas from in the first place that has NO Arsenic contamination at all?!

JBK heart

JBK heart

Order Starter box of Omega 3 Algae oil, Ami vegan cat food and PlaqueOff bites here

heavy metals found in cat fish foods

Red tick


As shown in a handout advice given by UK Pet Foods labelled November 2022 we have exact proof from this PDF handout on their website that feeding cats and dogs a vegan diet is safe!

It states for Taurine in particular as shown in the image below that synthetic taurine (made by precision fermentation) is perfectly safe and efficacious in cat foods and is widely used and approved for use in ALL cat foods! 
This handout also states that it is perfectly safe and sustainable to replace fish oils with hugely sustainable microalgae, and even Arachidonic acid that cats need can be obtained from a fungus so we can DEFINITELY FEED A CAT A COMPLETE VEGAN DIET AS WE USE TAURINE IN ALL CAT FOODS, AND WE CAN USE MICROALGAE FOR THE OMEGAS  - WOW!

(Please note that this handout is no longer available as UK Petfoods who provide vets and the public with information about feeding pets declared a 'rawsafe' stamp and supported raw feeding since November 2022 (exactly when they took down the pdf that we had saved) and these large dangerously non-sustainable raw food companies even when we have an astounding 85 published papers showing the dangers of raw feeding in our dogs and cats and not ONE showing health benefits! They have removed this positive reference that offered solutions to feed our pets sustainably and replaced it with this PDF to fully support the corporate pet food companies registered with them.)
We are VERY thankful however that we kept the original PDF and that they posted it in 2022 as gives us the green light to produce and promote vegan cat food - hurrah!! See all the positive bits in the image below copied off this PDF handout.

UK Pet foods says vegan cat foods are safe

Which other brands add taurine to their cat foods? 

The most common brands of cat food in the UK - Sheba and Whiskas that are the main foods sold and made by Mars Petcare.  See taurine mentioned in their list of ingredients in their fish-based foods in the images below. Please note the addition of pure SUGARS to both Whiskas and Sheba which we feel is NOT acceptable as sugar has possibly been added to ensure that these foods are 'addictive' to cats as they do NOT need high levels of carbohydrates; only high levels of protein!

Imagine what pure sugar will do to the metabolic and dental health of your cat over the long term?

JBK heart


Whiskas cat food contains taurine and pure sugar
Sheba cat food

Order Starter box of Omega 3 Algae oil, Ami vegan cat food and PlaqueOff bites here

JBK heart


Article below written by Prof Andrew Knight and published in the Veterinary Times

Vet Times article by Prof Andrew Knight showing cats can be fed a vegan diet
Article below written by Dr Arielle Griffiths and published in the Veterinary Times

Article celebrating vegan cat food in Veterinary Times written by Dr Arielle Griffiths

Prof Andrew Knight a leading vet says it is safe to feed cats a vegan diet

4 published studies showing health benefits of vegan cat food diets:

Red tickPeer-reviewed analysis of 16 studies on the impact of vegan diets on cat and dog health
Domínguez-Oliva et al. (2023) concluded, “there was no overwhelming evidence of adverse effects arising from use of these diets and there was some evidence of benefits. 

Red tickIn 2023 veterinary Professor Andrew Knight and colleagues published a large-scale study of 1,369 cats fed vegan (127 – 9%) or meat-based (1,242 – 91%) pet food, for at least one year. Cats fed vegan diets had better health outcomes for each of seven general health indicators studied. First, differences between diet groups in age, sex, neutering (desexing) status and primary location (outdoor vs. indoor) were all controlled for statistically. Next, risk reductions were calculated for cats of average age, and other characteristics. For average cats fed vegan diets, risk reductions were:

• increased veterinary visits (possibly indicating illness) – 7% reduction
• medication use – 15% reduction
• progression onto a medical diet (after being fed a vegan or meat-based diet) – 55% reduction
• reported veterinary assessment of being unwell – 4% reduction
• reported veterinary assessment of more severe illness – 8% reduction
• pet guardian opinion of more severe illness – 23% reduction.
• Additionally, the number of health disorders per unwell cat decreased by 16%.

No reductions were statistically significant, but collectively they revealed a strong trend. Additionally, the prevalence of 22 of the most common feline health disorders was studied. Forty two percent of cats fed meat, and 37% of those fed vegan diets suffered from at least one health disorder. 15 disorders were most common in cats fed meat, and seven most common in cats fed vegan diets.

Red tickIn 2021 veterinarians Dr Sarah Dodd and colleagues published a large-scale study, including dietary information for 1,026 cats, of whom 187 were fed vegan diets. The latter were more frequently reported by guardians to be in very good health. They had more ideal body condition scores, and were less likely to suffer from gastrointestinal and hepatic (liver) disorders, than cats fed meat. No health disorders were more likely, for cats fed vegan diets.

Red tickAnd in 2006 veterinarians Dr Lorelei Wakefield and colleagues published a study in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association comparing the health status of 34 cats maintained on vegetarian diets, and 52 maintained on conventional diets, for at least one year. Most of the caregivers in both groups described their cats as healthy or generally healthy. 

(And we haven't even begun to mention the benefit to the environment when you transition your cat onto a healthy plant-based diet - YOU WILL BE SAVING SO MANY FISH, CHICKENS, COWS AND PIGS - see the environmental impact here!)

Read more here from Prof Andrew Knight with all your questions answered.

Vegan vs meat based cat food Prof Andrew Knight

Cats can benefit from a vegan diet


Published article showing digestibility of proteins in cats increases with addition of plant proteins

It is shown in the article below that the more plant protein that was added to a cat's food, the higher the protein digestibility of the food!

Rice increase protein absorption in cat food


What about the palatability of plant-based cat foods?

Alison has fed all her animals vegan diets since the 80's (!). Listen to her speak about Ami vegan cat food in the clip below. Her full podcast is here where she talks about her cat living till 25 on a vegan diet eating Ami (but we've included that clip for you too below to listen to and be as amazed as we are!).

Order Starter box of Omega 3 Algae oil, Ami vegan cat food and PlaqueOff bites here

Listen to a very honest webinar about transitioning our cats to a vegan diet by Dr Arielle below -

Dr Arielle Vegan Vet and Ruff vegan dog


“I believe in a kinder, healthier way to feed our dogs and cats that does no damage to our environment, harms no animals and uses fresh, healthy plant-based ingredients for a balanced, wholesome and delicious diet”

- Dr Arielle Griffiths Plant Powered Vet and Ruff Plant Powered family dog 


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