Choose plant-based when travelling with your dog

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Choose plant-based dog food when travelling with your dog from UK to EU

Did you know that you cannot travel to the EU and cross the ferry with any meat or dairy-based products in your car or caravan, and that includes any meat-based dog food or treats?!

The perfect reason to make that switch to plant-based for your dog…especially if they suffer from any allergies or intolerances! (Read further below what happened to Tommy the Bassett when he went on holiday with his family to Italy!!)

Read article published in the Vet Record with information sent by Dr Arielle informing other vets of these changes

Vet Record artilce about travelling with vegan dogs to the EU

What other advice is there when travelling to the EU with your dog?

They need an Animal Health Certificate (as opposed to a Pet Passport as it used to be called before Brexit). Your vet will charge you anything from £250 upwards for this service….but you can have it all completed online for just £69 by clicking on the image below.

Use the money saved to treat your dog to some extra good quality vegan dog food from Just Be Kind instead!

Animal Health Certificate just £69

Look what happened to Tommy the Bassett when he travelled with Solo Vegetal!

These are his Mum’s words –
“Solo Vegetal has been has been life changing for Tommy. He is heading for 10 years old and until last summer had a good skin for a Basset Hound.
I had trialled the Solo Vegetal from you when I took him to Italy last spring as you cannot take meat-based dog food into the EU and also his skin had started to become problematic in the autumn.
Brown gunge started to leak from his mouth and the vet didn’t see it as a problem and could offer no treatment. I decided to try Solo Vegetal and after just 3 months his skin became clear and his saliva returned to normal!
The photo shows Tommy now (next to the Solo Vegetal tins). It’s incredible. Unfortunately the only before picture I have is a video which I made to show the vet and shows him dribbling and the stain on his chest but it was too big to send on email. 😊”
Hooray for plant-based dog food being the solution to Tommy's gungy brown saliva AND being the food you can travel with when you go on holiday with your lucky dog!!

Vegan dog Tommy the Bassett eats Solo vegetal
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